Day Five or something. Already lost track. But ha, when do you people care about dates and stuff, right?
Onto the music!
Number FiveCold as Ice by Foreigner
In the live version (Which is on my iPod. Youtubing the live version was sadly dissatisfying.) it starts out, "I believe I need a little something...cold as ice." There's just something about that line I really like. I dunno. I'm weird like that. But this song is one of those I tend to start my playlist off with, just because it's a real good song to start my morning off with. Fun to hum along with. Even if I get weird looks.
Number FourMy Last Breath by Evanescence
Another awesome song to hum along with. I've always liked Evanescence (Can't spell it.) It's one of those bands I remember from my childhood, (Even if I'm still young. Details, details.) that I loved to sing along too. My only huge issues was an inability to pronounce it.
I said Ev-ne-nen-sence a few times, evan-nen-sence as well. Eventually I caught on. This is my favorite of their songs, as anyways. Just fun to sing along with, when I'm chilling in my room where no one can give me weird looks. Silly people.
Number ThreeDon't Let's Start by They Might Be Giants
Let's be honest. I think They Might Be Giants is amazing, alright? It seems no one these days knows of them (At least people I talk too. Well, one of my friends does. One. D:) and that makes me sad. Their music is quirky and yet, at times, deadly serious as well. And they have some songs where I question their sanity (Try Stick Your Hand Inside the Puppet Hand), and some songs where I think they just were making stuff up (Boat of Car.)
This is one of those odd, yet serious at points. I quote part of it:
"No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
They want what they're not and I wish they would stop"
Number TwoWhat About Everything? by Carbon Leaf
Putting aside the distressing fact some Doctor Who fans used this song to their advantage, this one makes number two just because, well hey. What about it? It's one of those songs that everyone should take when they have a bad day and go, "Screw it. Least I'm alive, right?" Carbon Leaf is an amazing band, if you ask me. This is one of their slower songs, but Life Less Ordinary (Which was also a choice for number two.) is one of their faster but still just as awesome song. This song really just brightens my day when I feel blargh.
And in first place, my favorite song ever:
Number OneFamiliar Taste of Poison by Halestorm
I love this song, guys. If my iPod ever plays it before I'm ready, I will switch to a new song and re-do my random list, just so I can listen to it when I'm in the mood. And when I do listen, I play it over and over several times before I finally allow my iPod to continue its shuffling.
I first heard it, picked up the lyrics, and found myself singing along. Went with it, and really enjoyed the song. Then more Halestorm was played, and well, rest is history. I really like Halestorm. Favorite band as it stands.
So there you have. My Top Ten favorite songs.
Runner Ups:Sadly, I only have ten slots, and well...I had to pick and choose a lot. So these guys, while not on the ten, are still amazing bands and songs that I love. Check them out too, if you'd like.Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Tainted Love by Soft Cell
Half Truism by the Offspring
All That We Needed by Plain White T's
The Best is Yet to Come by SR-71
Tail of the Sun by Stroke 9
Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult
Alright then.