Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fool's Day, from All of Us at Critic-Er, Vital Madness

Big header is big. Sue me.

Long time, no post. I could go on about life and whatnot, or I can get to the stuff you actually care about.


Today, as some of you know, is April First in the U.S. Also called April Fool's Day. Essentially, you get to run around and mess with people without being beaten up. Like any good site, people like to mess with their viewers. So now, we're called Vital Madness instead of Critical Insanity and now there's a gryphon --One with a top hat!-- guarding the header.

Also, as Rae so kindly informed me, April is supposedly "Blog Every Day in April" month. Let's see how long I last, huh? So the next following month should prove to be interesting, if anything.

So. Uhm. Yeah. Nothing too exciting beyond a nice new shiny header. I'll keep it up for a bit, then go back to the old CI dragon.



  1. I assume you got pranked a lot, then? I didn't even realize it was April's Fools until I got burned trying to open my locker at school. <.<

    I greatly support Blog Every Day in April month, too.

  2. A few times, mainly by the younger brother. In the end, I won.
