Introducing French Dragon. He's a dragon. With a beret. That makes him French. Get it? Anyways, today we'd like to tell you all something very important about the French language.
French isn't that bad. Honestly isn't. Sure, some of the words are weird. And the accent is nasal-y and I can't speak French to save my life...But they have redeeming qualities.
Today, we're going to discuss fishes. The French word for fish is 'poisson'. Let us introduce our fish:
See? He's a very good fish. All blue, and he won't even kill you! He's not a stalker fish! He's totally fine being cooked up and ingested for your holiday trout, your Sunday salmon or your Friday fish tacos. He probably won't kill you, unless you eat a spiky fish and pierce your throat. That would be cause for an issue.
But let's introduce another factor...Here we have poison, which in French is...'poison'. Yeah. Same as English, except with that whole accent thing.
Ta-da. A bottle of poison, which doesn't like being ingested. Your insides will wither and die. They will explode with sheer poison power. They will die in a fire. Notice, however, that the only thing seperating these two is an s.
Poisson: Fish that you nom nom nom.
Poison: Poison, that, when nom nom nom'd, will kill you.
If you ask me, the French are onto something.
Fish = Poison.
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