Saturday, December 25, 2010

*taps microphone.* Is this thing on?

It is called a microphone, right? Dammit, now I'm thinking of microwaves...and telephones. Dammit. This really wasn't how I planned to start this.

Let's try that again, shall we?

I'm Azunara. No, that's not my birth name, but the internet is a scary place and frankly I'd rather remain innocent and not have creepy hobo-stalkers find my name, track me down, and kill me in my sleep. I do love living. So yeah. Azu.

Chances are, you're sitting here, I'm sitting here, and both of us are wondering how the hell you got here. Trust me, I'm not quite sure myself. You probably are either one of those creepy hobo-stalkers who still found me, despite my best efforts to keep them away. I will get out the Mace, understood, creepy hobos? MACE. Anyways, if you're not a creepy hobo stalker, I probably know you from somewhere. Real life. Maybe you're a friend. Maybe we both stalk the same forums. Or maybe, just maybe, you found this on your own, and I have become famous.


Anyways, just a nice introductory post for you. I'll even tell you a bit about myself! Ready? Okay.

I have ADHD, so chances are these are going to pretty damn random posts. I like dragons, and kitties, and reading, and writing. I enjoy spending my days away from people (They're rather annoying) unless they decide to be funny. I am usually wearing a hat. And a coat. Even indoors.

I do love hats and coats. So warm. They're like security blankets, except you get less weird looks! Wait, no...Still get weird looks. Scratch that.

Anyways. More later once I get it to look pretty.



  1. Hey Azu, it's me Rae. I like it, it's a cool blog. Nice artwork too. Will you make me one?? *puppy face *

  2. Sure. Tell me what you want and I'll lazily work on it.

  3. Yo Azu! I'm a creepy hobostalker. Just minus the hobo. Actually, I'm just Sat. Hi. ^^
