Monday, May 23, 2011

A Comic Done in French Class

Rae (You know the one, I mention her sometimes.) had said something about a meat dress, so I decided to make a little doodle about it. She found it to be amazing and -demanded- I redrew it and posted it. Since it was quick and easy, I went and did so. I apologize if it's not funny at all.


The Real Reason We All Survived...

If you don't get it, then copy and paste the above into your URL box thingy. You know how.

Semi-real post soonish. It was insisted I drew up the little comic I did and posted it. *Shrug.*

Sunday, April 10, 2011

By the Way...

Friday was canceled due to boredom.

No excuse for Saturday. No Blog All Month thing for me. Too much work, since I have projects going, "OHHAIAZU." and ambushing me. Spring Break starts in a week, so it's a plus.

That, and I've been busy with Pokemon and my Pet Journal. So, here. Have a dragon.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Protecting One's Self From Tornadoes

I am fairly sure there is something wrong with my brain. Especially when my brain is trying to make me sleep because I had soda late at night and didn't realize caffeine doesn't actually kick in and affect me until I was trying to sleep.

So after spending a few hours attempting to sleep, I was woken up to the sound of all hell breaking loose. Blearily look out the window and see the following:

To be fair, my brain may have imagined the lightning. Anyways, our window was wide open, there's hail pounding our windows, rain is screaming down and the trees are shaking and ready to fall over. There's a good chance things were on fire.

My brain put all of this together and came up with the fine idea that this was a tornado. My imagination kicked in, and thinking as hard as it could to protect me from the demonic tornado coming for me

It came with the following conclusion. Obviously, the best way to protect myself would be to close my window. It never occurred to me that A. This wasn't a tornado and B. Closing the window would do absolutely nothing to protect me.

I must've guessed the second, because for extra safety, I threw on another blanket. I felt totally fine and safe from that tornado. It could go destroy other things. I was safe.

Demon Tornado: Zero, Azu: One.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Not Really Exciting Post

I will post every day in this month!

Pity Math killed my creativity. So here, have a haiku.

Azu is lazy
So this post is a fail post
Not much we can do.