Sunday, March 6, 2011

Stupid Fight

*nonchalantly posts.*

We just finished eating dinner, and I'm casually drinking my sprite, my sister is casually eating her TurkeyLoaf. (Trademarked.) We begin talking. The following conversation ensures. (I'm using her screenname for security?)

Xastra: Did you know pineapples don't wear bathrobes?

Me: Yeah, but pears do.

Xastra: Did you know watermelons don't go on diets?

Me: Yeah. Did you know cantaloupe are part of the antelope family?

Xasta: Did you know rocks are part of the ock family.

Me: I think we just had a "Who can say dumber things" fight, and she just won.

That's...our family for you.

All for now. I know, I know, long time no post.



  1. "The world is more like it is now then it ever has before."

    I love little contests like that. ^^

  2. yay!!! a post!! and a funny one!! :D

  3. Yup-those are my girls. I'm so proud.

  4. Yay! Funny long post! More!
